Rudy gay trade atlanta hawks

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The Grizzlies are at fault for paying Gay that huge contract, but they were geniuses for getting out of that contract. That price doesn’t sound as bad until you look at the contracts of players such as Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, and Chris Paul who make less money than Gay.īeing the third best player on a team that price is pretty steep. Rudy Gay is scheduled to make close to $38 million dollars over the next two season. Rudy Gay is 26 and is just now entering his prime as a basketball player, but there is one problem with him. Gay is a so-so defender, and can become shot happy during certain stretches of game. Rudy Gay is an explosive wing player with the ability to shoot the three ball as well as having the own ability to create his own shot. To some this was a very bad trade for the Grizz and will make them regress as a team. Many fake sports analysts like myself, and people around the basketball world had many questions and comments about the Rudy Gay trade. The Grizz built their team in the old-fashioned way does not model the other finesse teams in the NBA. They are a small market team, and they play a tough brand of basketball. I have a lot of love for the Memphis Grizzlies.

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